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Welcome to Diane Wallace Studio

After many years as a professional artist and art teacher, this website makes it possible to share with you some of my favorite paintings and those of my recent students.

As a credentialed teacher, I became frustrated with teaching Art in the public school system and chose instead to teach privately from my home Studio. Small classes allowed me to customize instruction for each student.  Ages and abilities were mixed together, students selected their favorite subjects and were always excited with the results. Those who have chosen art careers have gone on to excel in professional art schools.

I am especially excited about displaying the children’s artwork, which I think you will find is often astonishing in its composition and use of color.  Even very young artists can produce amazing visual magic when provided with good materials and technical skills to use them, and when encouraged to work poetically.  A tour through the Student Gallery will present many pleasant surprises. Any comments you may wish to direct to individual artists will be passed on to them.  Thank you for visiting our Gallery.

“Art is the greatest teacher, because it teaches you to be observant, and from that you learn everything else.”

- Leonardo DaVinci

Copyright Diane Wallace 2011-2023  |  eMail Diane Wallace  |  Site Design and Photography by Price Dempler

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